
Contraction adalah singkatan enclitics (kata atau persingkatan kata yang tidak bertekanan). Berbeda dengan abbreviation yaitu bentuk singkatan atau kependekan dari sebuah kata atau banyak kata atau ungkapan yang menggantikan atau mewakili keseluruhannya. Bedakan antara contraction dan abbreviation berikut ini:

I am a teacher from United States of America

I'm a teacher from U.S.A.

I'm sebagai contraction dari I am, dan U.S.A. adalah abbreviation dari United States of America

Ciri dari contraction adalah menggunakan apostrophe. Lihat bentuk lengkap (full form) berikut ini:

It is, that is, what is, there is, here is, you are, they will, let us, cannot, are not, do not, does not, etc. Bentuk bentuk tersebut ditulis dalam keadaan formal dan kalau dibaca bentuk-bentuk tersebut biasanya dilafalkan seperti tertulis. Bentuk-bentuk lengkap itu tidak boleh disingkat dalam surat-menyurat resmi, bisnis, dan sebagainya. Contraction biasanya dipakai dalam bahasa lisan seperti pidato, dan dalam percakapan yang direkam atau ditulis atau karangan informal yang lain. Singkatan-singkatan tersebut ditulis dengan cara menambahkan tanda apostrophe seperti contoh:

aren'tare not
couldn'tcould not
didn'tdid not
doesn'tdoes not
don'tdo not
hadn'thad not
hasn'thas not
haven'thave not
he'dhe had; he would
he'llhe will; he shall
he'she is; he has
I'dI had; I would
I'llI will; I shall
I'mI am
I'veI have
isn'tis not
it'sit is; it has
let'slet us
mightn'tmight not
mustn't must not
shan'tshall not
she'dshe had; she would
she'llshe will; she shall
she'sshe is; she has
shouldn'tshould not
that'sthat is; that has
there'sthere is; there has
they'dthey had; they would
they'llthey will; they shall
they'rethey are
they'vethey have
we'dwe had; we would
we'rewe are
we'vewe have
weren'twere not
what'llwhat will; what shall
what'rewhat are
what'swhat is; what has; what does
what'vewhat have
where'swhere is; where has
who'dwho had; who would
who'llwho will; who shall
who'swho is; who has
who'vewho have
won'twill not
wouldn'twould not
you'dyou had; you would
you'llyou will; you shall
you'reyou are
you'veyou have

Bentuk lengkap hanya terdapat dalam bahasa atau gaya bahasa formal.


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