I am a teacher from United States of America
I'm a teacher from U.S.A.
I'm sebagai contraction dari I am, dan U.S.A. adalah abbreviation dari United States of America
Ciri dari contraction adalah menggunakan apostrophe. Lihat bentuk lengkap (full form) berikut ini:
It is, that is, what is, there is, here is, you are, they will, let us, cannot, are not, do not, does not, etc. Bentuk bentuk tersebut ditulis dalam keadaan formal dan kalau dibaca bentuk-bentuk tersebut biasanya dilafalkan seperti tertulis. Bentuk-bentuk lengkap itu tidak boleh disingkat dalam surat-menyurat resmi, bisnis, dan sebagainya. Contraction biasanya dipakai dalam bahasa lisan seperti pidato, dan dalam percakapan yang direkam atau ditulis atau karangan informal yang lain. Singkatan-singkatan tersebut ditulis dengan cara menambahkan tanda apostrophe seperti contoh:
aren't | are not |
can't | cannot |
couldn't | could not |
didn't | did not |
doesn't | does not |
don't | do not |
hadn't | had not |
hasn't | has not |
haven't | have not |
he'd | he had; he would |
he'll | he will; he shall |
he's | he is; he has |
I'd | I had; I would |
I'll | I will; I shall |
I'm | I am |
I've | I have |
isn't | is not |
it's | it is; it has |
let's | let us |
mightn't | might not |
mustn't | must not |
shan't | shall not |
she'd | she had; she would |
she'll | she will; she shall |
she's | she is; she has |
shouldn't | should not |
that's | that is; that has |
there's | there is; there has |
they'd | they had; they would |
they'll | they will; they shall |
they're | they are |
they've | they have |
we'd | we had; we would |
we're | we are |
we've | we have |
weren't | were not |
what'll | what will; what shall |
what're | what are |
what's | what is; what has; what does |
what've | what have |
where's | where is; where has |
who'd | who had; who would |
who'll | who will; who shall |
who's | who is; who has |
who've | who have |
won't | will not |
wouldn't | would not |
you'd | you had; you would |
you'll | you will; you shall |
you're | you are |
you've | you have |
Bentuk lengkap hanya terdapat dalam bahasa atau gaya bahasa formal.
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