Possessive Pronoun

Pengertian Possessive Pronoun

Possessive Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan. Di dalam suatu kalimat, kata ini dapat menempati posisi sebagai subject, subject complement, atau direct object.

Possessive pronouns are, in short, exactly that: they are the pronouns that help us show possession in the English language. Usually to show possession, we have two options that are grammatically correct.

Possessive pronoun is A pronoun that can take the place of a noun phrase to show ownership (as in "This phone is mine").
The weak possessives (also called possessive determiners) function as adjectives in front of nouns. The weak possessives are my, your, his, her, its, our, and their.
In contrast, the strong (or absolute) possessive pronouns stand on their own: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs.
A possessive pronoun never takes an apostrophe.

Using possessive pronouns helps English speakers and writers to be more concise and use less words to explain the same idea. You have to consider that the more concise you can be, the greater the chance that the readers will understand.

Often, you will use a possessive pronoun to talk about a person, place, or thing that has been explained in another sentence. In the first example above, you could have explained the complex relationship of the speaker to Pookie’s owner in a few simpler sentences, and then explain that the dog had a heart attack in a separate sentence, using a possessive pronoun.

Penggunaan Possessive Pronoun

Possessive pronoun digunakan ketika object of possession diketahui berdasarkan konteks. Biasanya ada bagian pendahulu atau antecedent, singular atau plural, yang berhubungan dengan object of possession tersebut.

Contoh Kalimat Possessive Pronoun:

1My brother’s study table was pink. Mine was light blue.
(Meja belajar saudara saya merah muda. Punya saya biru muda.)
2I hate my job. Do you hate yours?
(Saya benci pekerjaan saya. Apa kamu benci (pekerjaanmu)?)
3Whose wallet is this? It’s hers.
(Dompet punya siapa ini? Itu miliknya.)
4Those aren’t our new uniforms. Those are theirs.
(Itu bukan seragam baru kita. Itu punya mereka.)


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